Hi, I'm Nathan :-)

I started using the "Manc Wanderer" name on an Instagram account in 2017 after I decided to start taking photography a little more seriously; in a bid to not spam my friends with my daily posting...

Since then I've upgraded from a compact camera to a full frame one that I carry around Manchester whenever I get the opportunity to take in the best that the city has to offer.

I focus on primarily city centre photography that shows off Manchester's hidden corners just as much as its highlights. If I can give someone the inspiration to visit somewhere they haven't before, or stop to look at something which they'd otherwise have ignored; then I consider it a win!

Recently I have discovered live music photography, and you'll find me at some of the best gigs in the city on a regular basis. I've covered a wide range of artists and venues; from the smallest basement bars to beyond the barrier at Manchester's biggest venues.

If you're a fan of my work and would like me to shoot for you then head over to the Contact page, and I'll be sure to get back to you as soon as I can.

Thanks for visiting! :-)
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